As a follow on to .NET Conf 2019 virtual event, we from BDotNet organized an in-person local event at Bengaluru on October 19, 2019. Below was the agenda of the event.


The most exciting, unexpected but a very pleasant surprise in the event was when Scott Hanselman made his virtual presence and gave an impromptu speech for about 15-20 mins on .NET, community, technology, productivity etc., Everyone in the room was completely thrilled to hear from him directly.


I had to perform a tough job i.e., to present my content after Scott’s 😉

The core intent of my session was to send the message that, with .NET Core 3.0 (not getting WCF services support) onwards, any new service-service or RPC based applications should start using gRPC as a norm. So I had named the session as “Bye Bye WCF, hello gRPC”. This in no way means WCF is dead or every WCF service should be migrated to gRPC.

Below are high level topics discussed in the talk

Slide deck is available at :


Overall we had about 120 attendees for the event and everyone thoroughly enjoyed the entire day, of course Scott’s presence was like icing on the cake 🙂