Microsoft Reactors are neighborhood campuses where developer communities meet, learn and connect …

— source :

Microsoft Reactor space in Bangalore was recently launched as a community event on September 7, 2019. Two of the active communities in Bangalore, Bangalore .NET User group and Microsoft Azure User Group joined hands together to run this community launch. The agenda for the full day event was as follows:


I was fortunate to share the stage with Nish Anil, Sr. Program Manager .NET Team at Microsoft to talk about “Building Cloud Native applications” the philosophy behind cloud native applications, microservices architecture etc.,


Below are the topics that were discussed in the talk:

  1. .NET Platform updates
  2. Cloud Native Philosophy
  3. Microservices architecture
  4. Leveraging Containers & orchestrators
    1. Docker
    2. Azure Container Registry
    3. Azure Kubernetes Service
  5. Key patterns of Microservices
    1. Communication
    2. Resiliency
    3. Health Check

The application used in the talk to show the demos – of BFF, Gateway implementation using Ocelot, Circuit breaker using Polly, Health Checks using ASP.NET Core middle wares – was the reference architecture application (eShopOnContainers) created by Microsoft which is available at :

Slide deck is available at :

Overall we had about 150+ participants attending the event and the talk received very good response from the audience